Thursday, September 8, 2011

How the Ultimate Spider-Man preview makes me feel...

Not too shabby (so far)

I really can't say that I have anything to complain about here. The animation and everything visual look as phenomenal as I desperately hoped they would.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

True Confession 09/08/11

I'm pretty damned horrible at blogging. It's bad enough that I only post about things that are interesting to me but I usually write them a million times less engaging than any other Average Joe would. That said, I still hope to post a lot more than I currently do. Even if I'm the only one that ever reads it or enjoys it, it's always a helluva lot of fun to look back on something I wrote three years ago and either chuckle or cringe. Maybe I'll do something easy like putting captions on pictures (captions that will be only funny to me), so that I'll be able to maintain a daily routine. I could do with a little more discipline in my life and I don't think that this will really hurt.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Waiting For Spider-Man...

It's been about a year and a half since the confirmed demise of the much beloved Spectacular Spider-Man animated series, and since the news of its successor Ultimate Spider-Man was made public, but to an insanely hardcore Marvel Animation fan like myself, it's seemed more like an eternity. It's felt even longer when Marvel has only managed to release the barest of information. Still, I've been pretty excited to see how the new animated series will turn out.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brief Thoughts, June 13th 2010

Is there anything being done with Barry Allen that couldn't have been done with Wally West ? I love the Flash (he's my favorite DC hero, post Golden Age) and I love Barry's adventures and his legacy and all of that stuff but he was never as interesting as his powers or the people and the events around him. Wally, on the other hand, was much better as a character who had seen a lot of growth during his tenure in the red suit. His experiences not only brought great respect to the Flash Legacy but built it into something greater as well. While good stories can be written with Barry, it just feels like a lot was wasted by bringing him back.

P.S. I'm still pissed about what happened to Ryan Choi.

P.P.S. Hot Tub Time Machine is a pretty fun movie. Lots of homages to the 80s and time travel movies in general.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Tom & Jerry


Well, today is supposedly the anniversary of the day that I made my world premiere 20 some odd years ago, so it's pretty cool for me to come across the information that the Tom & Jerry series also made it's cinematic debut on this day 70 years ago. Being the huge animation fan that I've been nurtured into becoming from a very young age, this is just a mind-blowing revelation for me. It might be similar to how a Canadian hockey would feel to learn that they shared a birthday with Gretzky or something. As a kid, I absolutely loved Tom & Jerry and that's a feeling that never passed or diminished over the years.
